C# Basics: Loop Through a Dictionary

Dictionaries are essential data structures in C# that allow you to store key-value pairs. Looping through dictionaries enables you to iterate over each key-value pair and perform operations on them. In this article, we will explore different methods of looping through dictionaries in C# and discuss their applications.

Why You Should Use Oauth OAuth 2.0 Tokens

An OAuth 2.0 access token is usually a base64 encoded string that the client uses when making requests to the server, and can hides the user’s identity and other personal information from the client app/website and anybody listening in on the line.

uTP Micro Transport Protocol Documented

While updating my bittorrent library, I found that the uTP (Micro Transport Protocol) documentation is quite lacking, unless you already know how the protocol works, so here is my attempt to expand on the documentation that already exists in an effort to provide more information on implementing uTP.

Information from BEP 29, bittorrent/libutp at github and from reverse engineering based on Wireshark UDP dumps.

C# Console Async Main - Async Entry Point for Console Apps

As of C# 7.1, it is possible with console apps, to have async all the way to the entry point. The previous constraints of the entry point have been the same all the way up to this point, and similar to the entry point in C/C++ apps. The C# entry point method must be static, the name of the method must be Main, the return type must be either void or int and finally, the method can accept zero arguments, or exactly one argument of string[], which contains the command arguments.